

I LOVE the Oprah franchise. Specifically, I love O Magazine. When "The Power Issue" came out a few months ago, I was so inspired. I made it my mission to live with mindfulness, not holding back any of my awesome.
The December issue is called "The Awe Issue", and let me tell ya, O hit it outta the park againnn! When I went to the Phoenix concert (we had great spots), I felt SO charged up. Everything felt new and different. My friends, I think I was AWED. So the December Issue. It tells us that when we look outside ourselves, we are refreshed like nothing else. There was this experiment they did that showed people were more optimistic when they were seated in front of a marvelous t-rex skeleton than a white wall.It reminded me of all the times I felt awed: studying astronomy, walking the stairs of a subway station when it's busy, concerts that I love, MoMA. I love looking at pictures of beautiful clothes because they're AWESOME to me. They're unreal and beautiful, but people wear them just like I wear my favorite belt. It's crazy!
Here are some awe-inducing pictures I found.
wordy post. different. but cool, right?


  1. I love Oprah too! Saw her Favorite Things show and was amazed at what she does for people. Totally empowers me to go out there and know I can do anything!
